How to Celebrate Unsung Leaders
Hello, wonderful women!
We hope you had a great Easter break with your loved ones. As we approach our 20th Breathe conference, we're really excited to celebrate 20 years of this ministry with you! For the past two decades, Angie Campbell has intentionally placed value on women. The Breathe Collective is a place where women can feel inspired and empowered to be their best selves.
You might know that Angie has been working closely with the Global Leadership Network, and we're happy to announce the upcoming partnership and launch of the Women Leaders Network.
This month, Angie is featured on Global Leadership blog, talking about the upcoming conference, Pineapples and how to celebrate unsung leaders. Have a read and let us know what you think!
I love pineapples. On the 30th May each year my dad would come home with one for me to enjoy. They were expensive those days, and not freely available as they are now. Such a treat!
I’ve since discovered that the pineapple is a symbol of hospitality and generosity. It was served over the years as a real honour since they were difficult to grow here in the UK, hothouses were needed. Did you know that each plant only produces one fruit, creates plantlets for the next generation and then dies?
At the Breathe Conference we love to honour the women who are spending their lives as unsung heroes, leaders that impact their communities or in courageous ways. Through nominations by friends we take the time to highlight women who are doing simple, ordinary but incredible things in this world.
Women are gatherers. We’re famous for not being able to go to the restaurant loo without a friend! We love to do life together and so we should. Once we realised how much stronger we are for having true friendships then we seek out those spaces to connect. As we gather at the Breathe we always take the time to look outwards, to consider and support women or children who need our care. Shoeboxes to Eastern Europe, underwear for teenagers in Uganda, baby items for teenage mums, sponsorship of children in Kenya the list goes on.
This year we are planning to support women in Luton, street women who need extra care and our love to let them know they are not forgotten or rejected. The charity Azalea do an excellent job of supporting them.
As we place value on women and see their faith in God enlarged we see families, communities, and charities strengthened. Shoulders back, heads held high ready to face a new day.
All around us are people who inspire us to become more than we are. The journey they face, the paths they have trodden, give us the courage and hope to pursue ‘the more’ for our own lives. That’s why Breathe exists - to inspire, champion and celebrate YOU!
The Breathe Collective have developed the Pineapple Awards, to honour the women who are making their one life count. Who will you nominate?
You can nominate as many different women as you would like, with three categories to choose from, we know there's someone you have in mind!